Rapid Prototyping
1-Day Turnaround for Injection Molded Parts from CAD
Using Additive Manufacturing (3D Printing)
Case Study
Sr. Mechanical Engineer and Systems Designer at Fathom, my challenge was creating a system that delivers injection molded parts to customers within one business day for rapid iteration, significantly saving time and cost for their product development.
Our First attempt took over 2 weeks! Overcoming hurdles in tool longevity and design, I innovated solutions to enhance durability, streamline the process, and trained our team to widen design bandwidth and capabilities and cut down the lead time to as early as next day.
Our initial success morphed into a game-changing delivery for a Fortune 500 client, ultimately winning us a substantial contract for producing parts for their 3D printers, showcasing our unmatched efficiency and revolutionary approach.
Special thanks to Phil Stob, Kyle Most, and Alexei Samimi.
3D Printed Tools and the Injection Molded Phone Case (TPE/Rubber Plastic)
Design team working on the Phone Case part design and development
Tool Design and sequence of operation for the additive manufactured (3D Printed) tooling
Our talented technicians setting up the 3D printers to manufacture the tools
Printers in ACTION
Tool parts on the 3D Printer bed
3D Printed tool is now clean and fitted together and ready to be installed in the injection molding machine
Tool is now installed and ready to produce the Phone Case parts.
We are setting up the injection molding machine’s parameters
Validating the 3D Printed tool, the process, and injection molded part quality
iPhone Case parts fresh out the “oven”